Barnstaple & District Men's Skittles League

AGM Minutes


                                                               MINUTES OF THE SKITTLE COMMITTEE MEETING                                                                                   

                                                                  ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 17TH MAY 2024

Members present: B Baker, D Cooke, S Cunningham, M Harris, A Kiff, M Kiff, A Kingdon, T Kingdon, B Latham, M Latham, R Morgan,

A Norden, D Stentiford.

Apologies: R Chapple, S Folland, D Symons, U S B C, Fox Boys, Sarnians, Bogeymen, The Knights, Rockafellas, Goodleigh Perishers, Diplomats, Mounties, Country Lads.

Opening Remarks: The Vice Chairman Welcomed everybody and apologised for the Chairmans absence.

Minutes of the last meeting: The secretary read out the minutes of the last A G M and the Vice Chairman signed them as being a true record. Forwarded by M Kiff, seconded by S Cunningham.

Matters Arising: There were no matters arising.

Presidents Remarks: The President remarked that it had been a good season, I am sure this will carry on for another year. Well done Kneaders Pairs for winning the Champions of Champions. There were two notable losses - Henry Parr passed away aged 83 and John Conibear passed away aged 96.

Chairmans Remarks: The year has run very smoothly indeed and by having a couple of Weeks of cup matches before we start the league, it works out very well, 

I would like to thank my committee officers, Rob Morgan, Shaun Cunningham, Dave Cooke and my Vice Chairman Brian Latham. I would like to thank all of the committee members for their hard work throughout the year.

I would like to thank President Tony Kingdon for coming to meetings and for his support.

Congratulations to Kneaders Pairs for winning the Champions of Champions and all the league and cup winners  for 2023/2024.

The Devon County cup was held last Saturday at North Molton Sports Club. Our representative was Kneaders Pairs and they got to the semi final before being knocked out.

And finally, I hope you all enjoy the forthcoming season.

Secretary's Report: The secretary asked if everyone was happy with the annual dinner and reported that we were looking at a change of venue possibly next year.

Fixture Secretary's Report: The Fixture Secretary reported on how he and his brother in-law built the new website. The domain alone cost £119.00 a year. He has a new facebook page and asked everyone to join for easy communication. He said to everyone how much he enjoys doing his job and how much he is looking forward to starting on the new league. He added the usual reminders - when filling out scorecards PLEASDE fill them out correctly. Get your results in promptly. Please get your registration forms to Dave Cooke A S A P, the sooner they are returned, the sooner it will get done. He will let the captains know when the books are ready to be collected, this will be at the Barnstaple Social Club.

Cup Secretary's Report: Another successful season, well done everyone. Looking to play some cup games on Mondays. Next years County Cup Final could be in Barnstaple. Some Trophies will need replacing.

Treasurers Report: Opening balance £7873.52, closing balance £6626.87, meaning we have made a loss of £1246.65. The main reasons for this are having to have a new alley built, website construction payment and new registrations down.

Election of Officers: All the Officers were unanimously re-elected and as we needed a new committee member as Adam Buckingham has stood down and all the present Committee Members were also asked to stay, Colin Gale from Odds & Ends became the new Committee Member.

Rule Change: A new rule change was proposed by Alan Kingdon. It was an addition to rule 4 which was: _

If a Team was not able to provide 8 players for a league game, then every missing player will be awarded a total of 30 pins.

This was passed and will be added to the existing rule 4. Another change was to Rule 2 in that from the 2025/2026 season the cost of Team registration will rise by £10  to £80. It was accepted and it was decided that it may need to be increased again if the rise is not thought to be enough. This will be the first rise in registration Fees since 2015.

A.O.B: A few Teams are short of players, get on facebook or contact Shaun and see if he can help. Don't fold because of it. The subject of replacing damaged Trophies was brought up in view of having sufficient funds to do so. The Committee had been trying to find suitable tradespeople to repair them first, particularly as most Trophies have been donated.

As there was no further business, the meeting closed at 8.10pm and attending Captains were asked to come and collect their registration forms. The date of the next Annual General Meeting has been arranged as Friday 16th May 2025 at 7.30pm at the Barnstaple Social Club.